Table of Contents
日本語はこちら(for japanese)→
1.Getting Started ←here
4.Generating ScriptableObjects
3.Adding Data to Existing DataSets
4.Setting Up Game Objects like Prefabs
FAQ and Common Issues (To be updated regularly)
About Ananke Csv Master
Ananke Csv Master is a Unity editor extension designed to simplify the creation of master data commonly used in game development.
In Unity, ScriptableObjects are often used to store immutable game data such as character parameters and experience tables. However, manually creating these can be quite tedious.
Ananke Csv Master streamlines the development process by automatically generating ScriptableObject classes and data importers based on user-defined specifications, significantly improving workflow efficiency.
Getting Started
Unity 2022.3 or later
Note: Testing with Unity 2021.3 revealed reference errors related to UIToolKit’s TreeView and MultiColumnListView components. Users on earlier versions may need to implement workarounds.
Sample Content:
The package includes pre-configured examples to help you get started. Please refer to the _Samples folder for usage examples and configuration settings.
Feel free to modify these samples for your own use.
If not needed, you can safely delete the entire _Samples folder.
After importing the package, you should see the following menu item in the Unity toolbar:
Tools > CatHut > AnankeCsvMaster

If you can see this menu item, the import process is complete.
If the menu item is not visible, please check the Console for any error messages. Restarting Unity might also resolve the issue.
If you encounter any problems, feel free to leave a comment on this article or reach out via Twitter, and we’ll assist you as best we can.
Initial Setup
Once you’ve confirmed successful importing, let’s proceed with the initial configuration.
Open the settings window by navigating to:
Tools > CatHut > AnankeCsvMaster > Settings

This will open the configuration window where you can adjust various settings.

While you have flexibility in choosing paths, please note that some assets are referenced by the game runtime while others are only used in the Editor.
We’ll cover recommended configurations in the following section.
1.Definision Path
The folder where master data definitions are stored.
All data and table definitions will be saved in this location.
2.Data Paths
Specifies the storage locations for ScriptableObject.
While multiple locations can be configured, using a single path is also acceptable.
3.ScriptableObject Instance Path
Designates the output location for ScriptableObject instances (.assets files).
This is where imported CSVs from the Data Path will be converted and stored.
Must be located “outside” the Editor folder as these are runtime game assets. (Required)
4.ScriptableObject Class Path
Location for storing ScriptableObject class definitions (.cs files).
These classes are automatically generated based on user-defined specifications.
Must be located “outside” the Editor folder as these are runtime scripts. (Required)
5.Importer Path
Output location for the Importers that read CSV data.
These are also automatically generated based on user-defined specifications.
Must be located “inside” the Editor folder as these are editor-only functionality. (Required)

Recommended Project Structure
While not mandatory, here’s a suggested folder structure. Feel free to adjust according to your project’s needs.
The only requirement is following the aforementioned path constraints.
├ MasterData
│ ├ Definitions
│ ├ Data
│ │ ├ VersionName1/Csv
│ │ └ VersionName2/Csv
│ └ ScriptableObjectInstance
└ Scripts
└ Editor/CreatedImporter
Once you’ve completed these configurations, you’re ready to proceed.
Next, we’ll start creating data structures.