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Excel Integration
Setting Up Excel Template
After setting up CSV data editing, let’s configure Excel integration.
First, download the template Excel file from:
Copy this file to an appropriate location. Consider placing it:
In the same directory as your CSV files
In a parent directory
In a parallel directory
For this example, we’ll create an “Excel” folder at the same level as the CSV folder and place the file there, renaming it to “PlayerData.xlsm”.

You may see a security warning when opening the Excel file. Enable macros when prompted.
Note:While not recommended for security reasons, you can configure Excel to always enable macros without warnings
Warning messages may vary depending on your Excel version
If macros don’t work without showing a warning, try reopening the file
While not recommended for security reasons, you can configure Excel to always enable macros without warnings
The file contains two essential sheets: “Setup” and “Template”.

Important: Do not delete these sheets as they are required for macro functionality.
Linking Data
Click the Setup button on the Setup sheet to display the configuration window.

Drag and drop your CSV files into the window.

Wait for the macro to complete.
Click OK when the completion window appears.

If imported successfully, you’ll see new sheets added.

The Character sheet should reflect your previously configured data.
You can now update CSV files by editing these sheets:

After editing your data in Excel, click the Export button.
When you switch back to Unity, it will automatically trigger an import and update the ScriptableObject content with your changes.
Tables automatically expand when you enter data one row below the table, or you can manually extend them using the drag handle in the bottom-right corner.

UI Controls
Open Folder: Opens the CSV storage directory
Import: Loads CSV content into Excel
Export: Updates CSV files with Excel content
Export On Save: Automatically exports when saving the Excel file
Note: You can use Excel formulas for data calculations, enabling a workflow where you create data in Excel and export it to Unity.